Mr. Rogers | Christian Citizens
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"'Won't you be my neighbor?' Well, I suppose it's an invitation. It's an invitation for somebody to be close to you."

–Mr. Rogers

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As Christians, one of our core values is to love our neighbors — a value that Fred Rogers, host of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, held dear.


By being the ones to choose kindness and compassion, we have the power to start a powerful ripple effect that uplifts families and heals our communities.


One simple way to start this chain is by sharing something positive on social media to remind others you care for them. 


Then if you want to read something that makes you feel good, take some time to read the powerful personal story of the reporter who spent years getting to know the real Fred Rogers.


As Fred’s mother once told him when he was scared by what he saw in the world, “you will always find people who are helping.”

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